Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Episode 5-Ramble On!

Finally, it's here, Episode Five! It's been a re-learning process for me, so I apologize for the tardiness of this episode.
Joining me for this show is Jesse Anderson and John Merholtz. We manage to hit a few good points about Kotei season, so I hope you all enjoy the show!

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Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm a big fat liar

Hey everyone, I know I said it would only be a couple of days for me to get a new show up... unfortunately due to some major technical difficulties. Which would be having to record the show a total of THREE times because of a faulty USB connection, and my computer losing files after I moved them into a new file to organize better (GRRRR!!!!). Episode Five will be up by Tuesday the 4th of May...in fact it is uploading right now as we speak. Thanks for being patient!

The One Koku Team