Saturday, October 24, 2009

One Koku Episode Three-Rock You Like a Hurricane

Sorry it has taken so long to get this Episode up folks! The free web hosting site that I use has been down for a while. Hope you all enjoy it!

Today Jesse and I are joined by Jim Werner, our local Scorpion player!
-We discuss Scorpion pre and post Path
-Review of the Feeding Hills and Archon Events.
-Talk briefly about the Megagame, Erratas, and epic ninja duels!

Just a reminder that if you want to listen to this episode click the blog title, or subscribe using our RSS feed! Click the icon on the left and then pick your favorite program to subscribe. You can even check us out on iTunes under One Koku!

Please feel free to leave comments, or an iTunes review; feedback is greatly appreciated.

Have an idea for a show? Want to comment on the state of Legend of the Five Rings? Then email the One Koku Podcast!


  1. Enjoying the show. When's the next one coming?

  2. Are you guys still producing this Podcast?

  3. Sorry for the late response, I have been really busy lately with school, and work. But look for episode 4 by the end of the week!

  4. Thanks! With Roku-Cast busy avoiding the falling sky, it would be nice to hear some strategy discussion from somewhere.
